January 25, 2015
Honorable Judge Stanley R. Chesler, U.S.D.J.
United States District Court
Frank R. Lautenberg U.S. Post Office and Courthouse
2 Federal Square
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Re: United States v. Gary Vitta
Crim No. 15-01
Dear Judge Chesler,
Sir, my name is John Fogerty and I am a retired Chief with the California Highway Patrol and am currently the Executive Officer of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. I am the past Commander of the Internal Affairs Bureau and I believe I am a good judge of people’s character and motivation.
Your Honor, my purpose in writing to you is to offer insight of my good friend, Dr. Gary Vitta, whom I have known for over thirty-five years. Gary is one of the most caring, committed, community oriented professional educators that I’ve had the pleasure to know. He always spent many hours above and beyond what was expected in helping students learn. His weekends and evenings were spent assisting students who were having difficulties with their classes. With Gary’s help those students were successful and graduated.
Gary was a leader among the faculty and it was clear that he had the proven ability to become a principal and superintendent. I admired his dedication for his many years in private school education which does not always provide the highest financial compensation. On a personal level, Gary is a very giving individual. He has always led community events to help less fortunate people and those that have been marginalized. As an educator who practiced what he preached he instilled values in his students. I personally observed him while he was a teacher at Bishop Ford High School and saw that virtually of the students admired his sincere commitment and dedication.
I have been a guest at his home and I know that he is a dedicated family man who gives of himself to others. He traveled to Indiana to visit a colleague who was dying of cancer and provided support and comfort to him in his last days.
Your Honor, I ask your consideration in granting leniency to Gary. The investigation and resulting filing of a criminal charge and negative publicity has devastated him and his family. He has admitted his absolute poor judgment in this matter. His prior personal and professional life reflect the values that society expects of an educator and administrator. In considering a just sentence for this one instance of poor judgment and naiveté, I hope that along with his many friends, co-workers, former students and others who know him well, you come to believe that he deserves leniency.
Thank you, Your Honor, for taking the time to read my comments.
John Fogerty, Chief (Retired)
California Highway Patrol
January 25, 2015